Rain is a natural phenomenon that we experience in various parts of the world. Rainfall is one natural event that many people live to see and enjoy; however, what happens when rainfall accumulates and starts causing damage to your home? Dealing with rainwater can be very difficult, especially if it comes into contact with water pipes in your home; water pipes or plumbing systems are susceptible to damages when exposed to rainwater.

Damage caused by rust

Rainwater, when it stagnates around metal materials such as iron and steel, may cause rusting. Rusting is the formation of iron oxide, which erodes any metallic material it comes in contact with. Iron or steel tools and fasteners that contain much moisture can become, hence decaying over time, leading to the formation of rust.

Damage caused by flood and overflow

Overflows and floods happen when water accumulates in areas that were not initially designed to store it or receive it. This usually happens when the sewer system is clogged up with many other materials such as dirt, garbage, and sanitary waste materials. Overflows can also be triggered by excess rainwater due to sudden downpour or a hurricane. When water overflows from its pipes or sewer system under such circumstances, it can get into your home through plumbing systems and cause damage to electrical appliances and furniture, and this may lead to health hazards if the flood involves sewage materials.

Damage caused by seepage and flooding during heavy rains

During heavy rainfall seasons (especially during or after a hurricane), the initial flow of water on the surface, which is normally diverted to flow through sewers, may get clogged. This can slow down the system and cause pockets of stagnated water in areas that are not normally supposed to hold water. The stagnation usually comes with serious pressure causing homes to experience seepage and flooding, which can lead to damage, destruction, and displacement if not attended to promptly.

Damage caused by frozen rainwater

Sometimes rainwater does not cause damage because it has an easy access passage out of your home but rather due to how it has entered into your home. When rainwater gets trapped inside roofing systems (such as steeples) without an exit, they freeze over time, causing ice and snow to accumulate and expand around the roof. This is a good example of how rainwater can cause your home to split or crack open because of ice and snow building up on or around it.

Damage caused by pooling water

Pooling water as already been mentioned as a major reason for seepage into homes through plumbing systems leading to flooding during heavy rainfall seasons. However, you may also experience pooling water during drought periods when little rainfall has been experienced over some weeks. Pooling water can lead to mosquito infestation due to stagnant pools of water being habitats for mosquitoes—mosquitoes are very dangerous especially if they carry malaria parasites which spread malaria infections among people.


For more information, contact Vinny’s Jersey Plumbing, located in Wayne, New Jersey.  We also service other cities in New Jersey, such as Bergenfield, Montville and Verona.