Sewer pipes are something very important in communities and cities as they are the ones that will be able to carry important water that will help to move multiple kinds of water reserves from point A to point B, however, these pipes are not as tough as you might think, especially for the fact that external agents like tree roots reach the body of the pipes and start to destroy them slowly when time passes, and without the proper care and maintenance, these pipes become unstable and too fragile to the point that it could cause severe damage in the sewer line and on the outside, so that’s why in the next article you will learn how to protect your sewer pipes from tree roots, stay tuned.

How to Protect your Sewer Pipes from Tree Roots:

Barriers and Limitations:

The most common way to do this is by building a barrier next to the sewer pipes with the purpose of avoiding the possibility of tree roots growing inside or near the pipes that carry the water, to achieve that objective you could use a chemical release barrier that will start to release some special chemicals in the zone (without reaching or entering the inside of the pipe) and thanks to the usage of multiple chemicals products, the tree roots will never be able to contact the pipe any time soon. But this option might not be available in your country for multiple reasons, so you could still use wood or metal barriers to protect the pipes, you just have to contact someone who knows what is doing to install the barrier in the correct position to cover everything vital for the maintenance of the pipes.

Maintenance and Prices of Repairs:

Speaking of maintenance, another way in which you can stop the annoying tree roots is by having constant maintenance and repair guards over your sewer pipes, and this can be done via a professional plumber service that will be able to determine which ones are your pipes and also, you will be able to have a closer look to the important pipes to see that no roots are trying to reach the pipe, and in case that some roots are starting to grow in a dangerous position for the pipes, you would have to take action, but remember, having good maintenance will keep your wallet as happy as ever for not having to pay expensive repairs.

How Tree Roots Can Affect Pipes from Underground?

Tree roots are one of the most common and dangerous enemies of sewer pipes as they are capable of damaging the structure of the pipe and furthermore, cause serious damage to the pipeline to the point that it could cost tons of money to return everything back to normal. The way in which tree roots damage the pipes is by using annoying clogs that will make the pipe fill from the inside and then cause a bigger impact on the structure which will cause cracks and holes in different parts, and that is something not good as leaks will be developed, so if you want to save money on repairs, it will be the best to follow the prevention tips.


For more information, contact Vinny’s Jersey Plumbing, located in Wayne, New Jersey.  We also service other cities in New Jersey, such as West Orange, Bergenfield and Ridgewood.