The bathroom is usually the largest space in a house and tends to get more attention than other quarters. This is probably because it houses an essential room for activities such as showering, cleaning up after going to the toilet, and bathing babies. However, bathrooms are also prone to collecting moisture, which makes them breeding grounds for mold and bacteria. The result; a foul smell that can permeate everything and everyone in the area. Well there is an easy solution to this problem; you just need to follow the tips below to get rid of bathroom odors:

Check the bathroom exhaust fan

Sometimes people forget to turn on their bathroom exhaust fans, especially if they’re using small ones that don’t have a timer. And even with timers, it’s easy for people not to remember to reset them after the batteries die out or make sure that they are actually working when you switch them on. Make it a habit to turn your exhaust fans on before and immediately after bathing.

Use bathroom deodorizers

There are many ways you can eliminate your bathroom odors, but the most effective of them all is through using products that contain active ingredients like activated charcoal and natural extracts to absorb moisture as well as promote healthy bacterial growth. These can be in the form of sprays, candles, or other kinds of odor neutralizers.

Clean the drains and pipes

Just like how you need to clean your kitchen sink regularly, you should also do so for your bathroom sinks too because if not taken care of properly, they’ll also start to smell. Make it a point to remove hair and other debris before they get clogged inside the pipes.

Clean up the shower

After using your bathroom, make sure you clean the shower and do this by using products that contain natural scents like mint or citrus as well as antibacterial ingredients. To prevent bacteria growth and mildew, scrub your showers regularly and make sure to wipe any water droplets up as soon as you’re done bathing.

Make the right choice for air fresheners

Do not use commercial spray deodorizers if you want effective bathroom odor removal because they may just mask the smell rather than eliminate it. You’ll want to use non-aerosol natural sprays instead, and these should be ones that contain essential oils like citrus, mint, or lavender, which are usually found in air fresheners made for bathrooms.

Use a bleach solution to clean your toilet bowl.

Using regular toilet bowl cleaners may cause the odor to come back. To get rid of it for good, mix a solution of 1 cup water with ¼ cup bleach and rub your toilet bowl with this mixture. Let it sit for at least 30 minutes before flushing.

Use baking soda and vinegar to deodorize and clean your toilet bowl

To eliminate the bacteria and mildew in your toilet, mix baking soda with vinegar or if you prefer a more powerful solution, mix baking soda with hydrogen peroxide. Pour it inside your toilet bowl and let it sit for at least 30 minutes before flushing.

Use citrus fruits

Another way to keep your bathroom smelling fresh is through the use of citrus fruits like lemons. Put them in a small bowl inside your toilet, and it will be able to absorb any odors released by urine as well as prevent the growth of mildew.


For more information, contact Vinny’s Jersey Plumbing, located in Wayne, NJ.  We also service other towns in New Jersey, such as Verona, Ramsey and Teaneck.