When having sewer problems which are common and unavoidable, and you are not aware of the place you should see dig, it seems so frustrating. However, having a video pipe inspection, you will be able to run your projects with this utility tool in a very efficient way of finding blockages, leaks, and cracks.   Video pipe inspection is the tool that helps you in inspecting your inside sewer line and detecting the problem wherever it is. Inspection cameras are very valuable in utility locations that are underground since they are able in pinpointing blockages and damages even when the pipes are under cemented foundation. Video pipe inspection can reach its lines into the house and extend them towards the sewer line machine of the main municipal.  How is Video pipe inspection working  If you happen to experience sewer leaks, you suspect to have a pipe blockage or even have a damage that you can’t locate, then that is the importance of having video cameras that will locate your problems. The professional locator of utility will insert the rod for video inspection towards the pipe that has a ranging diameter of from two until thirty-six inches, which accesses the line in the vault, inlet, or utility hole drain.  When working with video pipe inspection, the highest resolution of camera videos is needed to be connected towards the flexible optic fiber-scope. These cameras are waterproof and durable too which enables them to be used in all jobs kinds. At the finalization of your inspection, you will see throughout the pipe using led light, and scope rod may maneuver or bend in corners and curves so it can reach any located problems.  The above ground technicians will use monitors for watching the feed of live video when the inside camera is traveling throughout the pipe. Here, the plumbers and experts will thoroughly inspect the conduits and pipes conditions, which helps them to see the exact problem as well as locating any problems that may occur in the future. The footage collected is stored on the site as the MP4 file, which is provided as records to those homeowners.   The tool for pipe inspecting is always full of the transmitter which enables technicians in stopping your rod in the place where there might be damages, blockages, or even holes then locating those points on the ground as they mark it. After identifying the point, the utility technicians then advice the homeowners on the possible solutions in which the damage may be removed.


For more information, contact Vinny’s Jersey Plumbing, located in Wayne, New Jersey.  We also service other towns in New Jersey, such as West Orange, Paramus and Bergenfield.