Bathroom renovation is major work as it includes lot many factors in realigning the fixtures, the layout and plumbing of the shower, basin, tub, toilet and taps. Irrespective of re-fixing appliances or swapping the fixtures needs to be diligently planned. Otherwise, it creates serious problems like water leakage, damping of walls, deterioration of wall tiles or flooring wasting unplanned money. Hence it is essential to hire qualified Plumber licensed to carry out plumbing services. Plumber will measure, pin point and re-model the plumbing layout to suit as per client needs during renovation. Highlights the risks of re-planning the plumbing layout and how much cost is incurred to renovate as per requirement. Based on the budget, plumber will suggest various qualities of fixtures, pipes, taps, tub, spouts, faucets, commode which can run and has warranty to cover any unforeseen damages. During renovation plumber will check different pipes like cast-iron, galvanized, copper and plastic supplies. In the event of different weather conditions the pipes must be corrosion resistant and durable for long time. While re-arranging the fixtures within the space available in bathroom, the utilization of space and ease of daily use is very important. Plumber has to work hand-in-hand with every client to match their taste and visualization of the outcome. Fixtures come in different materials with latest technologies available in the market. It may be of fiber glass, galvanized finish, steel finish with jazzy looks.

Plumbing for shower fixtures are sensitive to water pressure available in the pipes. To avoid any leaks or bursts plumbers would use couplers, diverters with standard variations. Plumbing redesign in apartments is most challenging as common problems occurs in multiple floors and common walls. Plumber has to design and think with utmost care to avoid any major leakages and bursts. After thoroughly fixing all the plumbing activities, pressure testing must be done to ensure every outlet has consistent water pressure during daily operation. Above all, the renovated bathroom must be accessible to all age groups like children, parents, old age and disabled persons. Overall, the renovation activity must be complete within the planned budget, materials and schedule.

Why a Plumber is required:

Are there any leakages in bathroom? Are you getting musty smell? Is the water pressure low? Any blocked drains?

Professional plumber is the go to person for any such common problems during bathroom renovation. Remodeling the bathroom has its own risks like re-arranging the fixtures and appliances, improper plumbing of pipes, toilet fittings, leakages etc. Plumber will be able to foresee the issues of plumbing process and would rectify them providing quality services.

Plumber will also take the hassle of getting permission from local authorities to perform plumbing works. . Plumber identifies those intrinsic plumbing issues like blocked drains, burst pipes, leaky toilets, and faulty taps during inspection which commonly occurs during renovation activities. Experienced and Professional Plumbers would be readily available to resolve issues of blocked drain, water leakage, damped floor, damped wall etc. They are the specialists to resolve any plumbing issues in houses and corporate offices. Plumbers will provide predictable judgment while redesign plumbing options so that the client can decide to go ahead based on the budget available. If professional plumber is not hired, then the common problems will re-occur adding to more rework and costs money. Plumber will also consider the usage of water during this entire process and optimize the water efficiency. Plumber will have specific set of tools to carry out work efficiently and fit those fixtures properly without leakages or blocking the waterways. The same tools would be used to unclog the blocked drains, leakages in taps and other couplers. Plumbers will be proficient enough to map the old plumbing lines which are still in use with the new plumbing system especially while performing pressure testing. Plumbers will think through of upstream and downstream flows of water while planning for apartments and multi-floored residential & commercial units. So, its highly desirable and must have to appoint professional plumber for any bathroom renovation services to avoid future rework and common issues.


For more information, contact Vinny’s Jersey Plumbing, located in Wayne, New Jersey.  We also service other towns in New Jersey, such as West Orange, Livingston and Paramus.