Trenchless sewer line repair is fast becoming an effective technique to perform repairs on damaged sewer pipes. This method has become successful mainly because of its cost-effectiveness. Moreover, it causes very little amount of disruption around the work zone. You do not have to dig up anything around the pipe, thereby saving you the additional costs that the excavation may cause.

The task of trenchless sewer line repair is something that can be handled by a professional with plumbing skills. This project can also be carried out by a DIY-type homeowner. If you are looking to perform this project on your own, then you may want to keep the following tips and suggestions in mind:     If you are planning to do it yourself, the you must first know about the local building laws and regulations. The sewer system falls within the jurisdiction of the Municipal Corporation of your city. Make sure to contact them to ensure that you will be able to do the repair without causing any major changes to the main sewerage system of the locality.

Before you start working on your sewerage line, it is imperative to inspect the surrounding area for any obstructions or blockages. Chances are that you may not come across any obstruction in the pipes. But, still it would be wise to check everything to avoid any hassle in future.     Now, it is time to find out the intensity of the problem. Most often you can judge based on the amount of water you find in your lawn. If there is plenty of standing water in your lawn, there is a strong chance that you will need more than just a simple pipe repair.

With that said, it is recommended to hire an experienced plumber if you think you can’t handle the job on your own. There are a number of highly qualified and experienced plumbers available who can get the job done effectively. All you need to do is to perform a simple online search and you will get a long list of options.

Before hiring any plumber, make sure to check whether the plumber is experienced. You may want to hire a plumber that has been around for more than five years.

Check to see if the plumber you are selecting is duly licensed and certified. Be sure to check the documentary proof for your assurance. Thus, you must keep all these things in mind before working on a trenchless sewer line repair project.


For more information, contact Vinny’s Jersey Plumbing, located in Wayne, New Jersey.  We also service other towns in New Jersey, such as Livingston, West Orange and Cedar Grove.