If we want to enjoy good thermal comfort this winter and save money, nothing better than following these five tips:

Our heating system will work well if the boiler is in perfect cleaning condition. An excess of soot is a symptom of poor combustion. Clean it to improve its operation and check the joints to verify that there are no unwanted air inlets that also reduce the efficiency of the boiler. Finally, before turning on the boiler, check all the connections and check that both the electrical connection and the gas pipes and the water inlet and outlet circuit are in perfect condition.

The burner

Another important element of the boiler is the burner, responsible for achieving optimal and efficient combustion. Each manufacturer has its specific maintenance program for the burner, but all agree on the importance of keeping clean the fuel suction filter, the photo resist, the ignition electrodes and the nozzles. If you have any questions, get in touch with the technical service of your boiler brand. They will advise you on the steps to follow.

Adjust the proper pressure. Each manufacturer has its own specifications, but the recommended pressure varies between 1.2 and 1.5 bar maximum. In any case, most boilers, whether analogue or digital, have their corresponding pressure indicator. When you turn it on, wait a few minutes, and check that the pressure is among the recommended parameters. If the pressure is excessive, you must purge one of the radiators to reduce it. If, on the other hand, the pressure is too low, the solution is to open the boiler filling valve and add more water to the heating circuit.

Right temperature.

Hitting the right temperature is beneficial, both for our comfort and pocket and for the boiler itself. The idea is to maintain a minimum temperature of 18ºC when we are not at home or while we sleep, and never exceed 23ºC. The modern thermostats allow to program to the measure the hour of ignition and the temperatures of the different hours of the day. If you are going away from home for a short time, it is preferable not to turn off the boiler and keep it between these temperature ranges. This way you will save energy since you will avoid the consumption that is needed to return to recover the comfort temperature after turning off the heating. It is also not advisable to force the boiler temperature much, since this favors the precipitation of the dissolved carbonates in the water and their incrustation in the different parts of the system.


This is a key element of any heating system. Before connecting the boiler it is convenient to purge them. That is to say, to eliminate the air that has accumulated in the circuit and that can prevent that the hot water is distributed correctly. To do this, you just have to take a screwdriver, a container so that the water does not fall to the ground, and turn the purging valve of each and every one of the radiators of your house little by little. You will notice that it emits a whistle. When it stops and water drops begin to appear, close the trap. With this simple operation you will get your radiators to heat up evenly and take better advantage of the energy consumed by the boiler. If in the middle of winter you notice that the radiators are hot on the bottom and cooler on the top one, air has returned.

If you follow these simple tips, your heating will work better and more efficiently, reducing the amount of your bills. Remember that the boilers must be checked by a specialist every two years and that the installation of the gas in your house should be reviewed every five years.


For more information, contact Vinny’s Jersey Plumbing, located in Wayne, New Jersey.  We also service other towns in New Jersey, such as Little Falls, Dumont and Cresskill.