If you want to start a new plumbing project or even if you want the information for general knowledge, it’s confusing to be informed about pipes as there are lots of types in the actual market that could be used for plumbing purposes, however, it’s time to discover which are the most demanded and important pipes that can be used for a good system for water or liquids transport or even for traditional plumbing in a community or single property, stay tuned to learn more about this interesting topic.

What are the Different Types of Pipes?

Type #1: PEX Pipes.

This type is the most modern and recently introduced type in the market and is gaining a lot of popularity as it’s a good option for moving water (its only purpose) and as it’s rigid to maintaining and keep the water pressure in a safe and efficient level for plumbing, it’s flexible enough to pass through walls, foundations, grass, dirt and more materials on modern homes that can be a nuisance for other types of pipes, these can be a good standard in the future of plumbing and pipe conducts or system in advanced societies, so it will be better to start knowing their functionality.

Type #2: Rigid and Flexible Copper Pipes.

The rigid copper pipe is well recognized for any plumbing enthusiast as is one of the safest and efficient options that exist in the actual market. Thanks to the rigidity of the copper, it’s perfect for the general transport of water from point to point B, which means that it can be used for long distances without any problem at all, however, you will have to use solder equipment and skills for a stable functionality.

On the other hand, the flexible copper pipe is used in walls or other parts of a property in different heating systems, refrigerators, sinks, and other similar devices or other home appliances that counts with a great heat output as this pipe is capable of resisting high heat levels without any problem at all, however, they do tend to break if the individual that installs it doesn’t know what is doing and also it can be a little expensive in comparison to other types.

Type #3: PVC Pipes.

You can just not know what are PVC pipes or at least you should have heard of them during your life as they are by far the most popular plumbing option in the actual market due to their simplicity and inexpensive cost as well as great efficiency by far on common plumbing systems on almost every country of the world. They can be used in great runs as they tend to be very flexible and resistant to external factors but you have to be careful as they can break if you handle them in the wrong way, but you can fix everything as they are not expensive at all and the materials that are used for putting them together are based on solvents so there is room for failures this time.

Type #4: ABS Pipes.

They are very similar to PVC pipes with the slight difference that they come in black color and their shape is so much softer in comparison to their similar version, however, they are in fact stronger and furthermore reliable if you know how to deal with them, but of course, you will be seeing major prices and expenses if you want to work with this kind of pipe, so you should use it only if you know what are you going to do and also if you truly believe in your skills as a plumber.


For more information about different plumbing pipes, contact Vinny’s Jersey Plumbing, located in Wayne, New Jersey.  We also service other towns in New Jersey, such as Verona, Ridgewood and Rutherford.