Yes! You have finally found the solution to the hard water problem you are faced with right now but before you get to know what water softeners are you have to know what hard water is so that you can make the right decision.

Hard water is simply water that has a lot of calcium and magnesium content from chalk and limestone.
Hard water can be known when there is very little or no foam formed if soap is added to the water and the presence of high mineral content can be indicated by the formation of limescale in water heaters or kettles.

White precipitate is usually formed instead of lather when hard water is used so water hardness can also be a common characteristic of H2O rejecting the formation of lather due to high mineral content of calcium and magnesium.

Hard Water — The Villain In Your Home

Hard water can be a pain in the neck because of the serious problems it can cause to your health, skin, plumbing, hair and it also makes cleaning very difficult, so hard water is not what you really want for your home because it is almost a disaster and only a water softener can help you take care of hard water problems.

What Does A Water Softener Do?

Water softeners were invented a long time ago but these super water hardness curing tools that soften hard water are far from common and the worst part is that some people don’t know what a water softener is so their hard water problems continue without control.

A water softener uses the amazing science of Ion Exchange, this is the process that helps in removing excess mineral content from water thereby making the Hard water lose its hardness.

Water softeners replace things like iron, calcium, manganese, and magnesium with sodium ions in the Ion Exchange process, don’t be confused with the whole ion thing because everything will be explained.

What Are Ions?

Ions are positively or negatively charged atoms or molecules due to the absence of balance between protons and electrons, Cations are positively charged while Anions are negatively charged.

The Magic That Happens When Water Softeners Are Used

Water softeners use either zeolite or ion-exchange resin beads and these are crystallized inorganic minerals that are negatively charged and have the ability to cling to positive ions, so they cling to weak sodium ions and pull the stronger charged magnesium or calcium, and the sodium will be knocked off later because the minerals that cause hardness have a higher positive charge.

All the minerals that cause hardness will be stuck in the water softener tank and only H2O and a few sodium ions will be released as soft water for you and don’t be afraid because soft water is not salt water and your water softener will continue to work despite the trapped hardness minerals all thanks to a process called regeneration.

Why You Should Get Water Softeners

Hard water is everywhere and the best way to keep yourself safe is to get a water softener for your home, everyone needs a water softener so it is more of a necessity and not a luxury because hard water can ruin your appliances and a lot of things.

Water hardness is not the best so get a water softener today!


For more information, contact Vinny’s Jersey Plumbing, located in Wayne, New Jersey.  We also service other towns in New Jersey, such as Fort Lee, Garfield and Glen Rock.