In these modern days, almost every home or property counts with tons of technological gadgets or appliances that are part of a complete system that provides a feature capable of improving our lives with small changes that are noticed in our routines or busy schedules. One of the most important gadgets that exist is the water heater, a magnificent device or gadget that creates enough heat to provide water with a warm or hot temperature that can be used for multiple purposes around the house, and this small change in temperature will make showers, kitchens and even bathrooms more valuable as they provide a decent feature that almost everyone loves

But there are times where these appliances can fail or suffer from accidents, and that’s why there are other types of addons or extra devices that can be added to the original system with the purpose of increasing the effectiveness and reducing risk, and in the case of water heaters it’s the expansion tank, want to know more about it? Then stay tuned.

What is a Water Heater Expansion Tank?

In simple words, these water expansion tanks are another small tanks (like its name suggest) that are attached to the main water heater in the water supply pipe of the device with the purpose of increasing the effectiveness and reducing the possibilities of causing a thermal accident inside a house or property after massive usage of the appliance. This small expansion tank counts with multiple usages, being the first one the fact that it’s built with the capacity of handling the thermal expansion of the water heater during the usage of the device, which means that it’s capable of preventing excessive water pressure and reduce anomalies in the temperature that could happen when the water heater starts to malfunction or if something happens to the electrical service of your one (depending on the type of thermal heater that you have)

What’s The Purpose of Water Heater Expansion Tanks?

The main purpose of these addons is to provide better stability, effectiveness, and comfort to the owners of any after heater system that counts with some years of usage or just to be prevented against major thermal issues that could happen when you less expect it, and since its an extra addon, most people tend to avoid it since they think they won’t be needing it, however, you SHOULD get these expansion tanks as soon as possible to avoid annoying situations in the future and to give more value to your water heater.


For more information, contact Vinny’s Jersey Plumbing, located in Wayne, New Jersey.  We also service other towns in New Jersey, such as Montclair, Rutherford and Hillsdale.