One of the major disadvantages of the winter season is the uncertainty it gives home owners when it comes to maintenance of different items within the home. One of the most commonly under looked areas is the water pipes that can easily become frozen causing more damage. Problems like frozen water and pipes bursting are commonly associated with frozen water pipes, which is why it’s very important to locate them as soon as possible in order to perform the necessary repair procedures. Other than the visible frost, you can recognize frozen pipes through lack of water flow and a strange odor coming from the faucet. Once you determine that the pipes are frozen, you can take the following measures to rectify the problem.

Clear an opening

For this, you’ll have to open the faucet of the specific pipe that has frozen. This helps with making a clear opening for the water to escape once thawing is done thereby reducing any pressure build up. Open both the hot and cold faucets if you have both.


To avoid causing more damages, start from the faucet then work towards the end of the pipe. This prevents pressure from building up within the pipe in case steam from the thawed end cannot escape the frost at the faucet.

Depending on your location and the resources you have, you can use different techniques when thawing. Some of the methods to use include:

Hot water

You can either pour hot water on the pipe or dip a towel into the water then wrapping it around the pipe. This is most suitable for pipes that are clearly visible and easily accessible.

Propane torch

Though this procedure requires extreme caution, it is very effective. You will need a nozzle to help spread the flame and a fireproof material to cover the surrounding area such as the wall around the pipe. Once you caver the wall, move the nozzle over the pipe repeatedly, being careful not to leave it in one place for long to avoid causing damage.


A hair dryer can also be a great tool in thawing pipes. Move the dryer along the pipe after you’ve turned off the main water supply switch. You should also ensure the surrounding area you’re working at remains dry to prevent water and electricity from coming into contact.


For the pipes that aren’t visible, you can pass an infrared lamp along the wall where the pipe is located. Though it may take longer, the heat will penetrate the wall and perform the required action.

Increasing the temperature

Inaccessible pipes can also be thawed by increasing the temperature of the room. Even though this may make you comfortable, it will do the job.


These are simple remedies that you can perform yourself but it’s better to call a professional if you think you can’t handle it. In case the pipe bursts, turn off the water supply then call a professional immediately. Locate the precise place where the main switch is before you start operating as a precaution in case you have to shut it down. Keep in mind that the repair may cost a lot of money depending on the service provider you call and the extent of the damage.


For more information about plumbing and frozen pipes, contact Vinny’s Jersey Plumbing, located in Wayne, New Jersey.  We also service other cities in New Jersey, such as Verona, East Hanover and Livingston.