Water heaters have become the primary household appliances in the first world. From the shower to the cleanliness, we depend on the water heater for our daily tasks. As water heaters have become an essential part of many homes, there are many common experiences and problems that this beloved device can have about it. one of the main water heater problems is strange noises.why is my water heater noisy? it is a common question among homeowners. these noises might sound like a crack, pop, or rumble with these might be a sign of a problem. But what causes these noises? Here are possible reasons.

Sediment Buildup

Sentiment build-up occurs in the storage tank on your water heater, in this case, the tank hold s water at its burner hence when the water heater heat water it makes noise, the noise is as a result of bubbles passing through the sediment layers.This debris can cause overheating in the tank and thereafter can weaken the water heater.it can also cause the tan to leak which can lead to damages in your home. To control all these you need to regularly flush your water heater if you delay these sediments will accumulate making it hard to flush.

Accumulation of Mineral Deposits

Accumulation of mineral deposits in your heater is another cause of noise .it often occurs to homeowners who live in places with hard water .these mineral includes calcium carbonate and also magnesium which are easily trapped in the pipes as the water flows. As a result, homeowners should install a water softening systems to soften their water before it passes to the water heater.

Leaky Water Heater

it cannot be denied that a leaking water heater can cause noise.in case you tun off the burner of a lay water heater it will produce sizzling sound .this shows there is a problem. To solve this issue its important you get help from a plumber near you as soon as possible. A plumber will be able to detect the cause of leakage and do possible repairs.

Fluctuations In Water Pressure

Changes in water pressure in your heater may lead to the production of some noises. The pressure changes happen due to the expansion and contraction of water pipes as the water flows them.it leads to ticking noise .water heaters normally use outlet and inlet nipples and heat traps which connects the unit to the plumbing .their purpose are to increase the efficiency of the water heater .if you realize heat traps and nipples are the cause of noise you may replace them.


For more information, contact Vinny’s Jersey Plumbing, located in Wayne, New Jersey.  We also service other towns in New Jersey, such as Livingston, Paramus and West Orange.