When it comes to properly cleaning drains, drain cleaning solutions are not the best solution for unclogging pipes as they are advertised, sure they can get drains cleaned easily without using a professionals help, they cost less than calling a plumber and anyone can use them. drain cleaning solutions do have their fair share of disadvantages. Here are a few reasons that you shouldn’t use drain cleaning solutions.

One solution for all problems

For instance, let’s assume your drain gets clogged on a single item such as food or hair, cleaners can get rid of these types of substances but leave behind chemical residue which will result in chemically clogged drains in the future.
There are way better alternatives to drain cleaners such as a homemade cleaning solution that you can make with household items such as baking powder, vinegar and some boiling water.

Pipe damage
Drain cleaners can heavily damage your pipes as they often use harsh chemicals and the chemical residue left behind will clog the drain or pipe after repeated use and make it unsafe for you as well as the plumber that will have to unclog it.

Environment safety
They are bad for the environment as they contain chemicals.
They have to be disposed of carefully as the chemicals present in them can damage dustbins.

They cannot be used in toilets as they are lighter than water and would simply float.
They cannot be used in septic tanks and will cause additional problems if you use them in your septic tank.

Personal safety
Direct contact with them can cause chemical burn and damage your eyes which could possibly lead to blindness. Immediately contact a doctor if you have been in contact with them.

In conclusion, drain cleaners can come handy in some situations but have their own limitations when it comes to cleaning and can cause significant damage if not used with caution.


For more information, contact Vinny’s Jersey Plumbing, located in Wayne, New Jersey.  We also service other towns in New Jersey, such as Livingston, Paramus and West Orange.