Inmost instances, the lifespan of a boiler ranges from twenty to twenty-five
years. However, it is possible to keep a boiler working effectively for a longer
period of time, depending on the amount of effort you put towards maintaining
your boiler. Boilers which are well-cared for have longer lifespans and better
working efficiency. Similarly, if a boiler is mismanaged and not well-maintained,
non-combustibles and soot accumulate in the boiler’s systems. This consequently
reduces the amount of heat transferred to the water, increases fuel consumption
and shortens the lifespan of the boiler. In most states, there is a requirement
that the waterside and fireside of boilers should be inspected once in a year. Even
in places where there is no such state requirement, inspecting your boiler
should be a regular habit. The following are tips of maintaining boilers in
order to lengthen their lifespans;

Regular, Professional Maintenance

Boilers should be maintained and inspected
at least once a year by a certified professional. The inspection should cover the
motor as well as replacement of parts or repairs where need be. All heat exchange
surfaces should be visually inspected for signs of corrosion. The fuel pump
must be inspected once a quarter and if signs of malfunctioning are noted,
replacement should be done immediately.


As boilers get older, some of
their parts become obsolete or outdated and newer, more efficient parts are
released into the market. Retrofitting makes it possible for boiler owners to
enjoy the benefits of efficient advanced boiler parts without having to invest
in new, more expsnsive boiler models. Retrofitting improves the safety of
boilers and lowers fuel costs, reduces emissions and extends their lifespans. Some
potential parts to be considered for retrofitting include; burners, emission
controls, thermostats, flame safeguards, among others.

Keep Boilers in a Clean Environment

A boiler combusts a combination of fuel and air. Areas around
boilers should always be kept clean and dust-free in order to provide clean
burning air. Maintaining an open space around a boiler also minimizes the risk
of fire.

Monitor Boiler Firing Sequence

One of the biggest contributors of
inefficiency in a boiler is mechanical wear. A clear indicator of where mechanical
wear is taking place is the boiler firing operation. As long as you are
well-acquainted with the mechanical sounds, timing and moving elements of your
boiler, then identifying potential troublesome areas should be an easy task. Always
ensure that there is proper damper operation, timely boiler operation and
smooth moving parts.

Proper Boiler Chemistry

Boiler water chemistry activities
should be regularly and keenly monitored in order to ensure that the boiler is
functioning properly and extend its life too. The PH and suspended solids in
boiled water should be closely monitored at regular intervals of time in order
to take note of any internal corrosion that could be taking place on boiler
parts. Identifying corroded areas and carrying out the necessary repairs
prevents boiler tube leaks and also preserves the life of the equipment.

Track & Monitor Fuel Consumption

The fuel burning rates of boilers
should be accurately tracked. An inefficient boiler consumers higher amounts of
fuel and its performance gets downgraded. Daily oil or gas consumption rates
should be noted and if negative deviations are observed, the necessary
corrective measures should be implemented to restore efficiency of the boiler. Improved
efficiency reduces fuel costs, reduces wear and tear and most important, it
lengthens the life of the heating system.


For more information, contact Vinny’s Jersey Plumbing, located in Wayne, New Jersey.  We also service other towns in New Jersey, such as West Orange, Paramus and Parsippany.