You’ve masterfully wielded the plunger, you’ve tried all the household chemical tricks, and your drain is STILL clogged. Before you throw in the towel and resort to calling the plumber, consider using one last tool to try getting the job done yourself: a drain snake.

Drain snakes, also called drain augers, can stand up to clogs that have the plunger cowering in fear. Though they are used by professional plumbers, drain snakes are easy for the average homeowner to use, and effective to boot!

A drain snake is a coiled spiral wire, typically a quarter inch thick, with a handle on one end. Snakes are long enough to reach into the drain, penetrate the clog, and help break it up. Read on to learn how to properly use a drain snake without damaging your sink, tub, or toilet.

The first step is to insert the coiled wire end of the snake into the drain opening. Grip the handle and rotate it clockwise to send the snake down the drain. Keep pushing the snake deeper into the drain until you encounter resistance.

Many drains, including the ones in your sinks and toilets, have an S-bend in their structure. More pressure will likely be needed to force the snake around the tight bend. Bear down as you crank the handle to help the snake navigate this curve.

Once the snake passes the S-curve, it is typically smooth sailing! The snake should slide along esaily through the pipes until it encounters the clog. Once you feel resistance, keep rotating the snake. This allows the sharp tip to break the clog into manageable chunks that can then be flushed or washed down the drain.

Alternatively, if the clog is a large solid object, such as a child’s toy, the rotating action allows the snake head to snare the object so it can be pulled out of the drain.

Once the clog has either been broken apart or extracted from the drain, slowly remove the snake. If the clog was in a toilet, flush several times. If the clog was in a sink or tub, run the water full blast. Do this to ensure that the clog has been fully removed.

Next time you’re faced with a stubborn clog that has you scratching your head, grab a drain snake, which can conquer many difficult clogs. If your attempt with the drain snake fails as well, call a professional, put your feet up, and pour yourself a drink. You tried!


For more information, contact Vinny’s Jersey Plumbing, located in Wayne, New Jersey.  We also service other cities in New Jersey, such as Lodi, Bergenfield and Cliffside Park.