Given that all meals are prepared in the kitchen and many homes, it is the center of the home. It is no wonder that they can get dirty very quickly. Fortunately, the task of cleaning your kitchen doesn’t have to be as daunting as it seems here are some tips for cleaning the many different areas of your kitchen:


This is a good place to start. Choose a cabinet and remove all items in it, placing it on a table or work surface for now. Use a small brush to eliminate any loose dirt and dust, then clean it well with an all-purpose cleaner. Let the cabinet dry for a few minutes, then replace all its contents and clean as you do.

Countertop Surfaces

There are many specialty cleaners available for different worktop materials. It is important to choose the right type so as not to damage the surface material. The best option is to use a multi-purpose cleaner suitable for all kitchen materials. Apply a small amount to a damp cloth and wipe thoroughly.


Again, use an all-purpose cleaner for the sink rim and faucets. For the sink itself, you’ll need a more stable kitchen cleaner, such as a good detergent. The easiest way to use this is to fill the sink with water, add the detergent, and let it soak. Finally, clean any stubborn stains.


This is perhaps the most difficult task for cleaning your kitchen, but it doesn’t have to be. For outdoor surfaces, a damp cloth and a general-purpose cleaner should suffice. For the inside, you’ll likely need something sturdier, like a specialized oven cleaner.


If you use kitchen tiles, you will have no difficulty cleaning the wall, as the kitchen tiles will never absorb dirt, oil, and dust. All you need is a soft cloth, a soft-bristled brush, and a spray of cleaning fluid to remove the stain from the tile. So if you are a busy mom, it is best to install our kitchen wall tiles for easy cleaning.


The last task when cleaning your kitchen is to clean the floor. Start by cleaning up any loose dirt and then use a floor cleaner designed for washing the floor. The type you choose depends on your flooring material. Finally, clean the floor with a damp mop and let it dry naturally. The floor can be the most difficult part of the kitchen cleaning, but it is not impossible to clean it. Just scrub it once a week, vacuum regularly, and twice a month. You can clean with soap and water to remove oil, sauce, and other stubborn stains.


Cleaning the kitchen should be on your regular to-do list to avoid health complications. And if you are planning to renovate your kitchen, you can also choose kitchen tiles, which are economical and very easy to clean due to their glossy surface. As you can see, cleaning your kitchen doesn’t have to be a daunting task. Just approach it methodically, do one thing at a time, and you’ll be able to clean it up fast!


For more information, contact Vinny’s Jersey Plumbing, located in Wayne, New Jersey.  We also service other towns in New Jersey, such as Little Falls, Verona and Parsippany.