The main non-renewable energy sources are fossil fuels (oil, natural gas, and coal) and nuclear fuels (uranium). They are defined as non-renewable because they run out after the first use. Additionally, as they are not available in infinite stocks, they will eventually run out.

Despite being natural sources, they are difficult to obtain. In the case of oil, for example, complicated drilling must be carried out in the ground to be able to extract it. Often, to find oil, oil companies need to drill in geographic areas that are also difficult to reach (think of oil platforms in the middle of the ocean).

Here are the differences between using oil and natural gas for your home.

Non-renewable energy sources have a high energy power. In fact, their combustion allows them to generate electricity and thermal energy, thus satisfying the energy needs of the population.

The prices of natural gas and oil depend on several factors. To clarify, the main components include:

  • Availability and production times
  • Cost of production and transport
  • Impact on the environment and people’s health

Petroleum is a non-toxic fuel. Furthermore, it does not produce any odor. For example, an oil stove is an ideal heating system for heating small rooms. Not only does it reduce consumption where there is no need, but it also allows you to save on your heating bill. Finally, by moving your stove to where heat is most needed, you can keep oil consumption to a minimum.

In the search for increasingly cutting-edge solutions to heat in an eco-sustainable way and reduce energy consumption, technology has made great strides compared to the past. The modern gas stove has become an ideal solution for those who do not want to give up high energy performance, reduced consumption, and attractive design.

The main difference lies in the presence or not of a flue. An oil stove is an excellent solution for those rooms that are large enough to heat slowly but do not need constant heating all day long. In detail, the oil stove has a small structure. Plus, it has the advantage of being easily transportable from one room to another in the house. That is, it does not require the presence of a flue. This particular and important feature makes it a valid alternative to the use of a gas stove.

On the other hand, a gas stove may be a more convenient option. If you can buy gas at lower prices, you will probably opt for a gas stove to save in the long run.


For more information, contact Vinny’s Jersey Plumbing, located in Wayne, New Jersey.  We also service other towns in New Jersey, such as Cedar Grove, Bergenfield and Rutherford.