Lead is the harmful part of the metal that can reach our bodies through multiple ways, one of them is a very common one which is the lead contamination in water, which is something critical that needs to be solved as soon as possible to avoid suffering any lead poisoning that could harm your life and one of the individuals that are living in your property, but how do we detect lead in our water? Stay tuned to learn it because lead is not something that you can see easily so it requires some general knowledge that will be discussed right now.

Signs of Lead Exposure in your Water and How to React to the Exposure:

Different Taste on the Water.

Having a different taste on the drinkable water of your property is a clear sign that something is not going good in your home, the reasons can be lead contamination that has already spread to different points of the water path, this means that you need to take action now, call a professional to solve this problem right away and also go to the medic to check your health status, in case that some data is out of place they will know what to give to your body and everything will be just a scary situation that will go away after some days, however, time is gold, don’t ignore this symptom.

Abnormal Health Symptoms.

Vomits or pain in your stomach can be a symptom of lead exposure for different points of your body, being the principal one your mouth after consuming some water that was hidden like a dangerous lead contaminant that reached your body, if you start experiencing some normal symptoms and more specifically after drinking water, then go right away to a professional and start preparing the procedure for the next and final procedure which is a way of treating the situation instead of being a symptom, but it will be helpful too so it’s worth the time.

Test your Water with Some Equipment or Take the Sample to a Laboratory.

There are two ways of taking action, both of them are based on water tests that will be required to successfully confirm a lead exposure or contamination in the water, first of all, you need to decide which way you will take, you will do your best on testing the water with equipment that can be purchased in multiple places, or you want professionals to take care of the situation, in both ways the lead exposure can be confirmed at the exact moment so is a win-win situation. A great way to avoid lead exposure is to test your drinkable water every month to see that everything is in order, with this procedure your body will be protected and everyone will be happy as ever, stay safe!


For more information, contact Vinny’s Jersey Plumbing, located in Wayne, New Jersey.  We also service other towns in New Jersey such as Lincoln Park, Paramus and Livingston.